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Tsutomu Ben Yagi (Ph.D Student)

The aim of my research consists in offering an original understanding of Gadamer's hermeneutics in relation to the question of language. This will be accomplished above all by examining some of his later works which offer a way of rethinking his philosophical hermeneutics on the whole. In particular, I focus on his insights into the modalities of language to which his later thinking becomes especially attentive.

The way in which I wish to develop my thesis is to reflect on the moments of indifference that characterise Gadamer's thinking. By bringing his thinking in dialogue with thinkers such as Bernhard Waldenfels, Giorgio Agamben and Peter Sloterdijk, I draw out important aspects of his thought that hitherto remained undiscussed. My research thus takes up such notions as the home (Heimat), the mother tongue (Muttersprache) and coming-to-language (Zur-Sprache-Kommen) in order to understand Gadamer's thought.